Our number came up to monitor a trek group on the National Historic Trail over Rocky Ridge. We were 9 1/2 hours and went 14 miles or so. The group took several breaks for various reasons and that's what saved us from being hauled IN in a handcart or hauled OUT by Life Flight. We're still a little sore and it's been 2 days. Ibuprofin helped a lot. There must have been a dozen ma's & pa's/kids say, "My parents would sure like to do a mission like this." We didn't do monitoring in 2005 when we were here before.
Rocky Ridge is a climb of 700 ft in 2 miles. Imagine doing it in sub zero weather, in a snow storm. The rocks are pretty worn down where the kids are on the trail but in the other picture you can see better how the rocks are standing on end. The picture doesn't do it justice.
Our youth of the noble birthright are still 'Mormon Pioneers'. Hurrah for Israel!!!